It's My First Book's Birthday!

Holy moly! It’s been quite a year!

This morning when I took my girls to story hour at our local library, the theme was birthdays, and I couldn’t help but smile. I’ve been thinking about this day for a while now. On one hand I can’t believe it’s been an entire year since I published my first book, Forever in Florida. On the other hand, it feels like I published that book a lifetime ago, and there is no way I’ve released seven more books since this day last year!

I’ve been so blessed on my writing journey to be able to write in some amazing multi-author projects, and of course that Kirsten Osbourne asked me if I would like to write in her At the Altar series to begin with. It is not lost on me how fortunate I have been to have the friends and mentors in my life that I do.

I can’t imagine what this year would have looked like without writing. Creating stories has truly been what I always dreamed it would be. I love writing. I always have, and I always will. I know that deep inside of me, there has always existed an instinct to put words down on a page and tell a story that, before then, only I knew. I never thought I would be lucky enough to have so many other people read my words, but here we are.

I wanted to share a few stats with you about the work I’ve done this year:











I’m looking forward with anticipation to what this coming year will bring, and not just with writing. I took two months completely off due to morning sickness, and I can’t wait to hold the little baby girl who was responsible for all of it at the end of the summer.

As far as writing goes, I have a feeling this next year is going to be even better than my first. I’m so grateful to my husband and family who have made many sacrifices to help me chase my dreams. Also, I wanted to give a heartfelt thanks to my readers. You guys make it all worth it.



P.S. Please subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay in the loop about my writing journey, and my pregnancy—if you’re interested.

Buy A Book

Click the cover to purchase my first book, my latest release, or my next release which is on pre-order and will be releasing June 14th!


So naïve.

I took this selfie at RT Book Lovers Con last year in Reno, NV. I knew things were about to change for me as I got serious about writing. I did not realize how much!